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Tank Calibration

Tank Calibration and Volumetric Strapping

Nextgen offers tank calibration, also known as volumetric strapping, for any size and type of tank or vessel regardless of the storage (Petroleum, chemical, water, and so on). No matter the product, when you need to know how much is in your tank you can rely on us.


Nextgen utilizes multiple API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 2.2 (MPMS 2.2) methods to conduct the tank calibrations depending on the tank construction and client requests, from the various traditional methods (Metal Strapping Tape, Optical Triangulation, Total Station Offset) to our state-of-the-art high-accuracy 3D Laser Scan Method.


Nextgen collects the physical measurements in the field required in accordance with MPMS 2.2, that are then used to generate the capacity tables used to calibrate your inventory management system with accurate volume measurements. 

Advanced 3D Laser Scan Calibration

The new 3D laser scan method builds upon the traditional methods but as the technology has evolved it has empowered our technicians to be able to gather exponentially more data points for which to use to calibrate your tank. As with any new technology, a fundamental understanding of its limitations is paramount to effective utilization.


Having co-developed the software program for tank calibration with our software engineers and 3D laser scan specialists at our premier partner BlackWolf Inspection Technologies ( our team is ahead of the game when it comes to the proper harnessing of 3D laser scan technology.

Next Generation Tank Calibration Is Here



Q: Why calibrate an above ground storage tank?

A: Nextgen Tank Calibration is the most Accurate Assessment

Our tank calibration (volumetric strapping) and the subsequent capacity tables is the most cost effective and accurate assessment to provide the actual volume of a tank for a given liquid height. It is essential that your capacity tables account for any multitude of factors such as liquid head stress, floating roof displacement, and deadwood deductions.


Accurate tables will ensure the proper calibration and functioning of your radar and gauging system. Without current, accurate and reliable tables, even the highest accuracy gauging system will be nullified and you will be left wondering what is actually in your tank.

Calibration tables generated with antiquated systems or processes can result in more of your money being lost with each custody transfer.

Q: I have original capacity tables, why update them?

A: Initial calibration is recommended on new construction tanks or vessels after the completion of a hydrostatic test.

Recalibration of a tank or vessel is recommended when any of the following occurs:

  • Major tank repairs are performed after an API 653 Out of Service Inspection. E.g. bottom plate replacement, floating roof installation or modification, or replacement of shell plate (doorsheet or corroded area).

  • Process change, such as a change in operating temperature or specific gravity of the product.

  • Any component alterations such as deadwood, changes to the reference gauge height location or installing a new sump or steam coil etc.

  • Over time tank settlement may also cause deformations in the tank shell, adding or reducing to the area available for product and thus altering the strapping tables.

  • API recommends that recalibration takes place every 15 years or if any of the aforementioned has occurred.

  • Tank calibration is often performed in conjunction with an API 653 out of service inspection with the measurements collected on the Post Repair inspection trip after all required repairs are completed.

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